There tends to be a lot of confusion about what a “twin flame” relationship really is. Unlike “soul mates,” which are our perfect matches (or our spiritual family) twin flames are our perfect mirrors. Relationships with twin flames tend to be on-again-off-again, intensely passionate, and sometimes intensely painful. Twin flames help us awaken like nobody else, and they ultimately serve to show us who we really are. Here, a few of the main signs that you’ve run into one:
1. You are intensely drawn to them. Without any real cause or reason, you feel as though you’ve known this person before, even if you just met.
2. They have opened you up to a completely new way of thinking. With them, you exchange ideas, beliefs, religion, and so on. You’ve “awakened” because of their love.
3. They come in and out of your life. You’re together, and then you’re not, and then you are again. Despite the fact that you love each other more than anything, one of you (the “runner”) seems to not be able to handle it, and dissolve the relationship. It’s almost as though your connection is too intense for you to be consistently together.
4. They feel like home. Upon meeting them, you immediately sense that you’ve known this person before. Your connection is too intense for you to have just been strangers – there is a deep feeling of familiarity when you’re with them.
5. You are the epitome of yin and yang. They seem just like your other half, the parts of you that were missing all along. (What you’ve yet to realize is that they are the parts of you you’ve yet to know.)
6. Looking back, you see that the period of time right after you’re with them is always defined by change. They bring about a lot of intense transformation in your life, sometimes painfully so.
7. You will find yourself becoming almost irrationally emotional when you’re with them. (These are the feelings and energies that have been in suppression, which they are there in part to help you recognize and heal.)
8. Your bond is instantaneous, and your relationship moves very quickly. Right off the bat, you “click” as though you’ve known one another forever. This only grows over time, and the more you get to know about them, the more absolutely in love you are.
9. Though you experience incredible passion for this person, there is an equal amount of worry and uncertainty. You may find yourself questioning a lot, asking yourself whether or not this is really love, or really what you want for your life.
10. It seems like you have this profound connection that must be destined, but you come into one another’s life at the wrong time, or something else stands in the way of you being together. This is not a product of ill fate, rather, it is a sign that you’re not meant to be together in the way you think you should. (The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.
11. You are more than just lovers. You are one another’s teachers, best friends, therapists, and so on. You have such a deep and layered connection that you do a lot more for one another than just be romantic.
12. It seems like you’re always pulled back to them in one way or another.
13. Your relationship can be tumultuous at times. This is because your twin flame serves to show you everything that needs to be healed within you. This is not to be confused with “love” being painful. Love is not painful. Everything that stands in the way can be, though.
14. One of you is more “spiritual” than the other. One is more soulful, the other more practical. You teach one another the virtues of how you think and behave – that is part of your purpose.
15. You feel very attuned to them, almost telepathically. You can feel what they’re feeling, or know what they’re thinking. It’s as though you are one.