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Lime Green Aura - Aura Ascension

Lime Green Aura - Aura Ascension


Acrylic and spray paint on canvas

H 10.5cm x W 10.5cm x 3cm  (framed)



What is an Aura?

An aura is the colour field of energy, which surrounds you. It attracts energy from your surroundings, as well as from within you. The aura can change depending on your thoughts and emotions. Any change in your state of mind or body can affect your aura. This includes things like enlightenment or transcendence during a phase of life, which naturally alters one’s state of being, which changes the colours of one’s aura or blocked chakras. In some cases, you may need to cleanse your aura.

Green Auras

Green aura personality types are very flexible in how they move through the transitions in life. Some people have no problem changing their behaviours, while others find it more difficult. The way your electromagnetic fields line up with the world around you can make a huge difference to how you feel about yourself. Similar to the polarity of a magnet, how your energy aligns with the universe makes the difference between being attracted or repelled by situations in life.

Seven Layers of the Green Aura

The human aura has seven levels, and a green aura has very unique traits that define these levels.

  • Physical: comfort, health, your place in the material world. Those with a green aura may feel very grounded and connected to their home.
  • Astral: emotions. If you have a muddy green or deep forest green aura, chances are your emotions are running high and you may be acting out like the green eyed monster of jealousy.
  • Lower: thought patterns, values, ideas. Those in the green spectrum value creativity, family and finding balance in life.
  • Higher: self confidence and self worth. Like the bright emerald green you are true to yourself and are comfortable in your own skin.
  • Spiritual: connection with the universe. Take the time to let the noise of the day go, meditating on your connection to those around you.
  • Intuitional: celestial plane with peace, acceptance and patience. For those with a yellow green aura, channel this peace into something creative.
  • Absolute Planes: the plane that ties all the other planes together


What are the Different Shades of Green Aura?

Green aura personalities signify balance with the universe. Much like the grass or the trees, green is a comfortable and natural colour. However, there is more to it, depending on what shade of green you are.

Bright Emerald Green Aura

Like the Emerald City, you bring everyone together. Emerald green draws people in. Those with an emerald green aura are healers. Green itself is rooted in the heart and the lungs. Perhaps you are a doctor. Perhaps you are simply the one in your family that is always looking out for everyone else, bringing harmony and fostering a strong bond.

Being from the heart, a clear emerald green is also the colour of love. If this is you, your life may revolve around the people and things that you hold dear. With this colour, think like a minimalist: if you love it, wonderful, if not, get it out of your life. There’s no need to spend time with things that do not make you your absolute happiest.

To nurture a bright emerald green aura spend time with those you love. Create gifts and experiences for the important people in your life. Spending a day with that special someone, out in nature, will fill your spirit with joy.

Yellow Green Aura

Green is the colour of the heart and lungs. Yellow is the colour of the spleen and life energy. Those with the combination of these two colours as their aura are creative, have love for life, and are very communicative. However, they may not be so much talkers as artists expressing themselves through painting, pottery, music or other creative outlets.

If you are finding yourself in a creative time in your life, this colour may be bright around you. Perhaps you are going through a change in life and find that redecorating your home brings you joy. Perhaps you are drawn to galleries and museums on the grand scale as well as those smaller more eclectic neighbourhood locations.

To nurture the yellow green aura let your creative side out. Whether you are in graduate school spending time studying neuroanatomy or the overnight manager at a hotel, reach for a colouring book. Get out your pencils and let your mind relax as your hands create something beautiful. Find a new way to express yourself that allows you to be artistic. Create something beautiful for you or share your talents by creating something beautiful for a friend.

Forest Green Aura

A dark green aura or muddy green aura signifies jealousy, feeling like the victim and viewing comments from others as criticism. A dark and muddy aura may have you lashing out at the world around you. This colour is often seen in times of change. However, the hue does not have to stay so drab. Change can be undertaken by those with the more positive yellow green or bright emerald green auras.

Those with feelings of negativity, like the world is against them, would be well advised to spend time envisioning their aura as bright as fresh cut green grass or as sparkling as an emerald. Imagine that the ball of light around you is clearing, becoming bright and radiant. Spend time walking through the grass really thinking about the world around you to become once again grounded with the universe.

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